Perhaps the best way to convey the depth and breadth of QLMC’s experience with clinical trials is to list the conditions the trials were designed to assess. The completed studies include:
Trial Examples
It is not unusual for Quality of Life to be the high enroller for clinical trials. Examples of those successes include:
Covid 19 Vaccine Trials
A Phase 3 randomized stratified observer-blind placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of mRNA-1273-SARS-Cov-2 vaccine in adults 19 years and older. QLMC was the highest enrolling site in the United States.
Women with a hypoactive sex drive
A twelve-month open-label safety trial of Flibanserin xx milligrams daily. QLMC was the highest enrolling site in the United States.
Traverse study low testosterone
A study of Testosterone replacement therapy for assessment of long-term vascular events and efficacy response in hypogonadal men. QLMC was the highest enrolling site in the United States.
Gout study
A multicenter randomized active-control Phase 3B study to evaluate the cardiovascular safety of medications in subjects with gout and cardiovascular comorbidities. QLMC was the highest enrolling site in the United States.